Student Accommodation in France

Finding Accommodation within budget

Looking for student accommodation in Paris? Let EduParis be your guide! With our extensive network and dedicated team, we help students find the perfect place to call home in the City of Lights. From cozy studios to shared apartments, we offer a range of options tailored to your preferences and budget. Plus, we provide valuable insights into the local rental market and assist in navigating the application process for government rental assistance programs like CAF.

Explore websites like LeBonCoin and student-specific platforms to discover available listings and secure your ideal accommodation. With EduParis by your side, finding student housing in Paris has never been easier. Start your search today and make your dream of studying in Paris a reality!

Types of student Accommodation

Private Student Residences

Private student residences in France are managed by private companies, offering a range of housing options tailored to students' needs. Here's what you need to know:

Managed Privately: Operated by private companies, these residences provide accommodation solutions with various amenities.

Cost: Private residences are generally more expensive than CROUS residences, with monthly rents averaging between €400 to €800.

Amenities: Private residences offer a wider range of amenities compared to CROUS options, ensuring a comfortable living experience for students.

Lease Flexibility: Unlike CROUS residences, private options often feature more flexible lease terms, accommodating different student needs and preferences.

CROUS Student Residences

Managed by France's regional centers for student services (CROUS), CROUS student residences are a popular choice among students seeking affordable accommodation. Here's what you can expect:

Managed by CROUS: These residences are overseen by France's regional student service centers, providing affordable housing options for students.

Affordability: CROUS residences offer the most budget-friendly accommodation options, with monthly rents typically ranging from €200 to €400.

Basic Amenities: While more affordable, CROUS residences may have basic amenities and shared rooms, reflecting their cost-effective nature.

Competitive Application: Due to their affordability, securing a room in CROUS residences can be competitive. It's advisable to apply early to increase your chances of success.


Homestays offer a unique opportunity for students to live with a French family, providing a culturally enriching experience. Here's what you should know:

Cultural Immersion: Living with a local family enables students to immerse themselves in French culture and language, fostering a deeper understanding of the country.

Affordability: Homestays are often the most affordable option, with monthly rents ranging from €300 to €500, sometimes inclusive of meals.

Privacy Considerations: While affordable, homestays may involve limited privacy and independence, as students share living spaces with their host families.

Language Skills: Some proficiency in French may be beneficial for effective communication and integration within the host family.

Renting a Room in a Shared Apartment

Renting a room in a shared apartment is a popular choice among students seeking a balance between affordability and independence. Here's what to expect:

Cost-Efficient Option: Sharing an apartment with other students offers a more budget-friendly alternative, with monthly rents averaging between €350 to €600.

Independence: While sharing living space, renting a room in a shared apartment provides more independence compared to homestays.

Roommate Considerations: Finding compatible roommates and managing shared living arrangements are essential aspects of this housing option.

Renting a Studio Apartment

Studio apartments offer the ultimate privacy and independence for students willing to invest in their accommodation. Here's what you need to know:

Premium Accommodation: Studio apartments are the most expensive option, with monthly rents typically ranging from €500 to €800 or more.

Privacy: Enjoy complete privacy and independence in a studio apartment, ideal for students valuing personal space.

Availability: Studio apartments may be scarce, particularly in city centers, requiring diligent search efforts and advanced planning.

Additional Tips for Finding Student Accommodation in France

Consider the following tips to streamline your search for student accommodation:

- Utilize local rental listings websites like LeBonCoin or specialized student housing platforms for comprehensive housing options.

- Consult the CROUS website for specific information on CROUS residences and their respective rent rates.

- Factor in additional expenses such as utilities, internet, and transportation when budgeting for student accommodation.

Goverment help for student Accommodation

Understanding CAF Rental Assistance in France

CAF (Caisse d'allocations familiales) is a crucial resource provided by the French government to offer rental assistance for those who qualify. It serves as a valuable financial aid option for international students in France, especially considering the high cost of living. Learn more about CAF eligibility and application procedures to ease your financial burden during your stay.

Eligibility Criteria for CAF

Meeting certain requirements is essential to qualify for CAF assistance:

Low Income: As a student, you likely fall within the low-income bracket, typically earning under €10,000 annually, making you eligible for CAF. Full-time students are also considered. Ensure you declare your total income for the previous year on the application, backed by supporting documents like tax returns from your home country.

Qualified Housing: Before signing a lease, verify if the accommodation meets CAF criteria. Landlords must sign the application, although some may hesitate due to potential tax scrutiny by CAF. If in doubt, consult the administration, especially for student housing or shared flats.

Required Documents for CAF Application

Prepare the following documents for a smooth CAF application process:

  • Passport or ID card
  • Visa and its validation
  • Birth certificate with filiation, stamped and dated
  • Translation of the birth certificate by an official translator
  • Attestation de loyer (rental certificate) filled by your landlord

Applying for CAF Assistance

To apply for CAF, visit their website and complete the online application. It's advisable to apply as soon as you secure accommodation to expedite the process. Payments typically commence in the second month of your lease. Although it may take several weeks or months for approval, payments will retroactively cover the waiting period.

Maximize Your CAF Benefits

Optimize your CAF experience with these tips:

- Run a simulation on the CAF website to estimate your potential benefits.

- Initiate the application process promptly upon securing accommodation to avoid delays.

- Consider seeking assistance from organizations like Feel Français or your university's support services for guidance through the application process.

CAF rental assistance offers valuable financial relief to international students in France. By understanding the eligibility criteria, preparing the necessary documents, and applying in a timely manner, you can alleviate the financial strain of accommodation expenses. Don't hesitate to seek assistance for a smooth application process and maximize your benefits.

Grocery Expense in France for International students

Savvy Student Eats: Budgeting Your Food Expenses in France 🇫🇷

Living the dream of studying abroad in France? Food is a big part of the experience! But budgeting for groceries and dining out can be a concern. Fear not, future gourmands! While the exact cost depends on your lifestyle, many students in France can manage their food expenses around €100 per month. Here's how:

  • Embrace Self-Cooking: Explore vibrant farmers' markets and supermarkets to find fresh, affordable ingredients. Cooking delicious meals at home allows you to control portions and save compared to eating out all the time.
  • Cantine Magic: Many universities offer subsidized cafeterias (Cantine) serving delicious and budget-friendly meals. Explore this option for convenient and affordable daily lunches.
  • Picnic Power: Pack lunches for on-the-go days. Baguettes, cheese, fresh fruit, and homemade salads are classic French picnic fare that's easy on the wallet.
  • Student Deals: Keep an eye out for student discounts at restaurants and cafes. Many offer special menus or pricing for students, allowing you to enjoy French cuisine without breaking the bank.

By planning your meals, taking advantage of student-friendly options, and embracing the joys of self-cooking, you can navigate the world of French food on a student budget. Bon appétit!

How EduParis helps to find You an accomodation?

EduParis goes above and beyond to assist you in finding accommodation during your study abroad journey in France. Our dedicated team in France works tirelessly to search for suitable accommodation options tailored to your budget and preferences. We understand the importance of securing the perfect place to live, which is why we meticulously inspect properties to ensure they meet your standards.

Additionally, we provide guidance and support in claiming your CAF (Caisse d'allocations familiales) rental assistance from the government, further easing your financial burden. At EduParis, we prioritize transparency and empowerment, offering you all available options to make an informed decision about your accommodation. With our comprehensive assistance, you can embark on your academic adventure in France with confidence and peace of mind. Simplify your study abroad joruney with EduParis

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